Monday, June 20, 2011

Heavy heart

I have a confession to make. I'm extremely blessed! This had really been brought to my attention over the last few weeks.

I just spent a wonderful weekend celebrating my babies birthdays. (Harley-1 and James-3) It was great! And I had a blast! Then I got hit with reality.

A dear friend of mine lost her grandmother last week, after a long illness; then yesterday her mother was rushed to the hospital. She had had a heart attack, and had bypass surgery last night.

Then, this morning, I get online to visit a few blogs that I read stalk, and find that one of the bloggers just found out that she has breast cancer! She's 35, y'all. And had a clear mammogram. And no family history. Wow.

I'm not even sure how to process this. These people shouldn't new this sick! I'm hurting for them. And I'm praying for them. Because we serve a big God, who's still in control. Even when life makes no sense. And even when life hurts.