Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The only thing constant is change

Big changes are in the works for the Bennett clan.

We are moving!

No panic- we are just moving across town. No PCS, no moving company. But the move does entail another downsize. This time to a two bedroom, 870 sq ft house. I am both thrilled and terrified! I have always loved the idea of small living. I love the idea of a sustainable, off grid tiny house.

The idea, anyway.

The reality- well, we will see. 

The truth is, we are a family of four, with two large dogs. I am an only child and an introvert, who requires alone time to keep my sanity. But the opportunity is there, and financially, we just can't say no! I'm not exactly sure when the move will happen, but I know it will be sometime before August! So, stay tuned! :-)